• 請問訪客 我傳真給阿布醫師了 他有回mail給我 但我又email給他請教幾個問題 可是他都沒回 是沒收到嗎? 
    1 請問你確定他那裏有anti PD1 嗎?用洗腎機取單核細胞很特別 有大風險嗎?
    2我知道antiPD1這些藥是在史丹佛大學做研究 他曾是那裏客座教授 所以有那個藥並不難 如果他真的曾在史丹佛大學那裏當客座教授 等於史丹佛大學幫你過濾了這個人的專業 不是嗎?
    3日本的免疫療法收費已有一定行情 在行情價內就不貴
    4我跑日本是為活下去 不是為了當白老鼠 當人家免費幫你做 另一個意思就是搞砸了我不負責
    5阿部醫師好不好 我還要去瞭解 但至少他會說中文 你可以去溝通
    6 我實在看不下去拼命叫台灣人 翻山越嶺去日本久留米當白老鼠  因為是白老鼠所以要主治醫師同意 還是去那麼鄉下的地方 還叫癌患把標靶藥停一下 ----
    7請問cincia你在台大做人體實驗 但你會去類似屏東大學做人體實驗嗎?
    8真的要去的話 要問清楚 

訪客 以下是我寫給阿部醫師的信 對我的問題 請問你有沒有什麼看法?(要用中文回答喔!!謝謝)

Dear Tsukada,

This is XXX, thanks for the reply, I have a few questions for you:
1. How is the effect of the immunotherapy to 肺腺癌 3B 期 ALK 陽性? 
2. I am now continue taking the 抗癌藥 (XALKORI), the tumor in my lung is under control, do you think I can prevent the further cancer cell metastasis to the brain again by receiving the immunotherapy? 
3. There are six injections for the immunotherapy, what if I do not feel well and did not finish all six treatment, are there any risk to it?
4. Is there any side effect after the treatment everytime? Will I be able to go back to Taiwan the next day after the treatment or I will have to stay in Japan to recover for a couple days?
5. What should I bring to Japan if I meet with you in Japan at your clinic?
6. How do I pay the treatment? Do I pay everything at once or I can pay each treatment individually when I receive it everytime?

Thank you so much!


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